

Month Log :

1. RKO

2. Pre Inka

3. All Weathers Under One Roof

4. Individual Headaches

5. What Your Doctor Wants (not in book – needs image)

6. New Paint Checks Fire

7. Magic Catalogue

8. ' '

9. Paper Like

10. Gently Down The Stream

11. The Beacon that Never Fails

12. RKO

13. Three Way Split (audio)

14. He'd Give His Shirt to Make Fine Paper

15. After the Jailbreak

16. Be Curious

17. Sit Down to Happy Eating

18. You're Fresh and Ready for Fun

19. Picnic With A Trick

20. What Were You Thinking?

21. 10,000 Feet

22. Onrushing Squall

23. Sharing the Weight

24. 60%

25. Maybe You Need A New Spring

26. Nature Puts the Flavour IN...

27. Home Study

28. Lens Puts "Zoom" in Television

29. Keep Your Micrometer On Its Toes

30. Top Secret Cream

31. Gauging Bright Lights